
Our blogs are geared towards providing helpful information and resources related to best practices for dental administration—such as tips for streamlining processes, improving patient experience, and increasing revenue, to name a few.

Ensuring Dental Wellness: The Crucial Role of Recare Management

In the dynamic world of dentistry, where patient care extends beyond the chair, effective Recare Management stands out as a cornerstone for success. It is not merely a routine administrative task but a comprehensive strategy that plays a pivotal role in fostering...

“The Power of Partnering with a Professional Calling Service for Dental Clinics” by Alex Zlatin

Dental clinics in Canada are facing a plethora of challenges in today's fast-paced world. With the demands of modern life, it is essential for these clinics to adopt innovative ways of operating efficiently and effectively. This is where a professional calling service...

The Benefits of Outsourced Calling Services in Overcoming Dental Anxiety

For many patients, the thought of going to the dentist can bring about feelings of anxiety and stress. It is important for dental clinics to understand this and provide their patients with support and reassurance to help them overcome these feelings. One of the ways...

The Power of Personalized Service and Technology in Improving Dental Patient Experience

As a dental clinic, ensuring that your patients are taking the steps necessary to maintain good oral hygiene is crucial not just for their dental health, but for their overall health as well. That's why the services provided by our company are so valuable for dental...

The Power of Early Treatment Collection: How U R DUE Appointments Can Help

Collections is a sensitive financial subject for most patients and clinic staff. Sometimes, just the thought of making a call about an outstanding balance can throw off a staff member’s entire day or lead to an angry patient, if the call doesn’t go as planned. That's...

Why Outsourced Calling Services are Key to an Improved Patient Experience

At U R DUE Patient Services, we understand that a consistent and professional approach to patient communication is critical to enhancing the patient experience at dental clinics. That's why we provide outsourced calling services designed to meet the specific needs of...

Why Regular Dental Visits are a Must for Optimal Oral Health and How it Relates to Your Clinic?

As the saying goes, prevention is better than cure. And when it comes to dental health, this couldn't be truer. Regular dental visits are the cornerstone of maintaining a healthy smile, and yet so many of us neglect them. Regular dental check-ups can also help detect...

Improving the Patient Experience in 4 Steps

It’s hard to imagine customer service and patient experience as anything different than what we have today. These days, we often trust our doctors, dentists, and nurses to not only be caring, empathetic, and supportive, but also honest. With the rise of competition,...

Do You Know Who is Doing Dental Recalls in Your Practice?

In October, U R DUE’s very own founder, Joanne Williams, was invited to speak on the practice management podcast, Practice Management Nuggets, about how dental recall can help your practice. A huge thanks to Jean Eaton for having us on the show! In this blog post,...

5 Useful Scripts to Make Recalling Patients Simple

If you’ve ever tried recalling your patients to remind them about an upcoming appointment or to schedule their next visit, you likely know that recalling patients is a lot easier said than done. We know finding the time to recall patients can be hard when your...
Improving the Patient Experience in 4 Steps

Improving the Patient Experience in 4 Steps

It’s hard to imagine customer service and patient experience as anything different than what we have today. These days, we often trust our doctors, dentists, and nurses to not only be caring, empathetic, and supportive, but also honest. With the rise of competition,...

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